Writing an interview essay
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Giotto di Bondone Example For Students
Giotto di Bondone Biography Outline1 Biography2 Key Ideas in painting3 Famous Paintings3.1 â€Å"The Lamentation†3.2 â€Å"The last judgement†Account Giotto is an Italian painter, author of protorenesissa. Initially, he is from Cole da Vespignano in Tuscany. He learned at the Ciampayo workshop (somewhere in the range of 1280 and 1290), he worked fundamentally in Florence (where since 1334 he coordinated the development of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore and the city fortresses) and Parma. Toward the start of the fourteenth century, Giotto visited Rome. The name of Giotto is associated with another phase of the advancement of Italian and European workmanship (Protoranesians), the discontinuance of Italian Florence with medieval imaginative standards and the customs of the purported Italian-Byzantine craftsmanship, just as frescoes. Giotto is properly viewed as the dad of European composition, the author of authenticity. Various devotees, supporters, and imitators of the prestigious ace extended its impact to numerous social habitats of Europe. His life story was remarked by Boccaccio, who accepted that he could by right be called one of the lights of Florentine brilliance. The painter isn't just superb yet additionally excellent, whose magnificence is extraordinary among the craftsmen, †Boccaccio said. Giotto di Bondone was conceived in Vespignano, close to Florence, presumably in 1267, and as it’s known, he has passed on in 1337 at seventy years old. As per Vasari, Giotto was the child of a rancher. There is one story thought about him. Once, celebrated painter Cimabue, who was strolling along the street from Florence to Vespignano, saw the groups of a kid who drew a sheep on a smooth stone. Chimabye took him to his understudies, and, after some time, the understudy outperformed the educator. Along with Cimabee, Giotto went to Rome just because around 1280 and afterward visited Assisi. Obviously, toward the finish of the 80s, a youthful craftsman wedded Jundo di Lapo del Spialla, who had four little girls and four children. Giotto had the most normal, ambiguous look little development, revolting. In the tales of that time, Giotto goes about as a shrewd man and a joker. Painter spent the following a long time in Assisi, where he took an interest in the artistic creation style of the Upper Church of San Francesco. His most punctual works incorporate some frescoes on the subject of the Old and New Testaments, in the upper zone of the dividers of the longitudinal nave. These works of art were made in the primary portion of the nineties. It’s accepted that during that time Giotto headed out to Rome for some time, where he was intrigued by the Cavalline’s artworks and early Christian mosaics. Key Ideas in painting Giotto di Bondone didn’t comprehend the laws of the possibility, didn’t study the human life systems, the figures on its frescoes didn’t compare to their size scenes. In any case, the three-dimensional world voluminous and unmistakable is open once more, triumphantly affirmed by the brush of the craftsman. The imagery of Byzantine craftsmanship was dismissed. The painter utilized the effortlessness. Not all that much, the consideration of the craftsman in renowned works of art is centered around the principle and gives a combination, a stupendous speculation. The associate of Giotto with the late classical fine art and crafted by Pietro Cavallini added to the advancement of his inventive technique, the production of such a remarkable landmark of Protoniansansan painting, similar to the fine art of the Capella del Arena (Skroveniy) in Padua (1304-1308). The Giotto Frescoes, devoted to the life of Mary and Christ, situated on the dividers of three flat columns, are recognized by the emotional and fundamental persuading pictures, the intense development of room, the practically sculptural form of plastic volume, the effortlessness and simultaneously the expressiveness of signals and points, splendid, merry shading and one of a kind style. .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 , .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 .postImageUrl , .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 , .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212:hover , .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212:visited , .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212:active { border:0!important; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212:active , .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212:hover { murkiness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-embellishment: underline; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-design: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/basic arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361 e212 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u73575921255a8601354f7a91c361e212:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Ivan ShishkinThe work of Giotto was recognized by the gigantic illustrations power and sensational expressiveness of his pictures. The effect on the watcher was more grounded, the more regular and sensible were simply the imaginative strategies of Giotto, who set himself the assignment of speaking to a genuine three-dimensional space developed on a straight point of view premise. Without an information on the logical viewpoint, no doubt the methods for Giotto, apparently crude, had arrived at the exceptional impact of the specialty of his time, one of the first to enter the work of art of the inside. Simultaneously, Giottos second success was the making of plastic, adjusted human figure, and every one of his portrayed figures had absolutely material legitimacy and, by righteousness of this significant imperativeness, reasonable conviction. The most celebrated works of art of the ace are: â€Å"Adoration of the Magi†, â€Å"Dante Alighieri†, â€Å"Madonna in Glory†, â€Å"Massacre of the Innocents†, â€Å"Nativity: Birth of Jesus†, just as â€Å"The Lamentation†and â€Å"The last judgement†you’ll read about underneath. Acclaimed Paintings â€Å"The Lamentation†The frescoes of the Italian painter and draftsman Giotto denoted the birth with the disclosure of a totally unique page in the story of craftsmanship history. Until the prime of his work, Italian artists adhered to the standards of medieval and Roman antique drawings conventions. Giottos design breaks the association with the strategy of painting the past dependent upon the total refusal to adhere to its laws. Florentines accept that the acclaimed ace has crossed the edge in the new time of craftsmanship. The general passionate foundation of the work of art The Lamentation is the keen aesthetic gathering of Giotto. All members of the occasion are engaged with the event, and the situation of their bodies, the subtleties are drawn by the folds of dress, the proportion of diminishing and enlightened regions make a fantastically reasonable spatial profundity of the work of art. In the focal point of the drawing, there are the decreased essences of the killed Christ and the Mother. It’s unequivocally in this focal point of the best enthusiastic pressure that all items and characters of the canvas are easily coordinated. The perspectives on the great and earthly members of the pitiful scene are outwardly and intellectually drenched in the occasions. â€Å"The last judgement†In the focal point of â€Å"The last judgement,†in an oval casing bolstered by heavenly attendants, Jesus sits in the entirety of his quality. To one side and to the privilege sit the messengers, each on a different seat (the most sumptuous seat has a place with the witness Peter). There are the blessed messengers arms above them, the slim positions of the magnificent host. The most fascinating are two separate heavenly figures under the very vault. They announce the disclosure of the New Jerusalem and, so to speak, wrap the edges of the canvas or material, accentuating the fanciful idea of what's going on. It very well may be deciphered in two different ways. Either all the natural appearances are deceptive before the higher grand reality. Or on the other hand Giotto suggests us that all that he composed on the mass of the Scrovegni Chapel, with all the naturalism, is only craft of design and Florence.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
10 Astonishing Facts About House Flies
10 Astonishing Facts About House Flies The house fly, Musca domestica, might be the most widely recognized bug weâ encounter. Be that as it may, what amount do you really think about the house fly? Here are 10 entrancing realities about house flies: 1. House Flies Live Almost Everywhere There Are People Despite the fact that accepted to be local to Asia, house flies currently occupy about each side of the globe. Except for Antarctica and maybe a couple of islands, house flies live wherever individuals do. House flies are synanthropic living beings, which means they advantage naturally from their relationship with people and our tamed creatures. As people from the beginning of time made a trip to new grounds by transport, plane, train, or pony drawn wagon, house flies were their movement buddies. On the other hand, house flies are once in a while found in the wild or in places where people are missing. Should mankind stop to exist, house flies may share our destiny. 2. House Flies Are Relatively Young Insects in the World As a request, genuine flies are old animals that showed up on Earth during the Permian time frame, more than 250 million years prior. Be that as it may, house flies appear to be generally youthful, contrasted with their Dipteran cousins. The soonest known Musca fossils are just 70 million years of age. This proof proposes the nearest progenitors of house flies showed up during the Cretaceous time frame, not long before the scandalous shooting star tumbled from the sky and, some state, set off the eradication of the dinosaurs. 3. House Flies Multiply Quickly Were it not for ecological conditions and predation, marry be invaded by house flies. Musca domestica has a short life cycle †only 6 days if conditions are correct †and a female house fly lays a normal of 120 eggs one after another. Researchers once determined what might occur if a solitary pair of flies had the option to duplicate unbounded or mortality to their posterity. The outcome? Those two flies, in only 5 months time, would create 191,010,000,000,000,000,000 house flies, enough to cover the planet a few meters down. 4. House Flies Don't Travel Far and Aren't Fast Hear that humming sound? That is the quick development of a house flys wings, which can thump to 1,000 times each moment. That is no grammatical mistake. It might amaze you to learn, at that point, that theyre for the most part moderate fliers, keeping up a speed of about 4.5 miles every hour. House flies move when natural conditions urge them to do as such. In urban zones, where individuals live in nearness and there is a lot of trash and other rottenness to be discovered, house flies have little regions and may just fly 1,000 meters or somewhere in the vicinity. Be that as it may, provincial house flies will meander far and wide looking for compost, concealing to 7 miles after some time. The longest flight separation recorded for a house fly is 20 miles. 5. House Flies Make Their Living in Filth House flies feed and breed in the things we upbraid: trash, creature manure, sewage, human fertilizer, and other awful substances. Musca domestica is likely the most popular and generally normal of the creepy crawlies we by and large allude to as rottenness flies. In rural or rustic zones, house flies are likewise copious in fields where fish supper or excrement is utilized as manure, and in fertilizer stores where grass clippings and spoiling vegetables amass. 6. House Flies Are on an All-Liquid Diet House flies have wipe like mouthparts, which are useful for absorbing melted substances however not for eating strong nourishments. In this way, the house fly either searches out food that is as of now in puddle structure, or it figures out how to transform the food source into something it can oversee. This is the place things get sort of gross. At the point when a house fly finds something scrumptious however strong, it spews onto the food (which might be your food, if its humming around your grill). The fly regurgitation contains stomach related compounds that go to chip away at the ideal tidbit, rapidly predigesting and melting it so the fly can lap it up. 7. House Flies Taste With Their Feet How do flies conclude something is tempting? They step on it! Like butterflies, house flies have their taste buds on their toes, as it were. Taste receptors, called chemosensilla, are situated at the furthest parts of the bargains tibia and tarsa (in less difficult terms, the lower leg and foot). The second they land on something of intrigue †your trash, a heap of pony fertilizer, or maybe your lunch †they begin testing its flavor by strolling around. 8. House Flies Transmit a Lot of Diseases Since house flies flourish in places that are overflowing with pathogens, they have a propensity for conveying sickness making operators with them from place. A house fly will arrive on a heap of pooch crap, assess it altogether with its feet, and afterward fly over to your outdoor table and stroll around on your burger bun for a piece. Their food and reproducing destinations are as of now flooding with microscopic organisms, and afterward they upchuck and crap on them to add to the chaos. House flies are known to transmit in any event 65 ailments and diseases, including cholera, looseness of the bowels, giardiasis, typhoid, sickness, conjunctivitis, salmonella, and some more. 9. House Flies Can Walk Upside Down You most likely realized that as of now, yet do you know how they play out this gravity-challenging accomplishment? Slow movement video shows that a house fly will move toward a roof by executing a half move, and afterward will stretch out its legs to reach the substrate. Every one of the house flys legs bears a tarsal paw with a clingy cushion of sorts, so the fly can hold practically any surface, from smooth window glass to a roof. 10. House Flies Poop a Lot Theres a truism, Never crap where you eat. Wise counsel, most would state. Since house flies live on a fluid eating regimen (see #6), things move rather rapidly through their stomach related tracts. About each time a house fly terrains, it poops. So notwithstanding spewing on anything it thinks may make a delectable supper, the house fly quite often does crap where it eats. Remember that next time one contacts down on your potato serving of mixed greens. Sources: The Encyclopedia of Entomology, second version, altered by John L. Capinera.Encyclopedia of Insects, second version, altered by Vincent H. Resh and Ring T. Carde.Vector Control: Methods for Use by Individuals and Communities, by Jan A. Rozendaal, World Health Organization.Physicians Guide to Arthropods of Medical Importance, sixth release, by Jerome Goddard.Elements of Entomology, by Dr. Rajendra Singh.Time Flies, a New Molecular Time-Scale for Brachyceran Fly Evolution Without a Clock, in Systematic Biology, 2003.
Friday, July 31, 2020
How to Tie a Tie
How to Tie a Tie Ever since they were first introduced, ties have always been a symbol of nobility, honor, status and style.Any man who wants to command respect, exude confidence and communicate their sense of style cannot afford to ignore the tie, especially in formal situations.While many men actually do own ties, the problem is that some of them do not know how to tie the tie. And even for those who do, many of them are only conversant with one necktie knot.However, there are several ways to tie a tie, and if you only know one of them, you are not getting the most out of this fashion accessory.You might be wondering what the fuss is over different necktie knots.After all, so long as you have a tie on your neck, that’s all that counts, right?Wrong!Different necktie knots represent different things and are best for certain occasions or dressing styles.There are some knots that go best with certain types of shirt collars, some depend on the shape of a person’s face, some go better with certain fa bric materials, some are better for certain occasions, some signal power, and so on.Don’t believe me? Observe presidential speeches from different presidents and you will notice that most of them use the full Windsor knot.Observe most CEOs in less formal situations and you will notice that most of them use the half Windsor knot or the four in hand.Each necktie knot sends a different message, and the more conversant you are with the different styles, the more apt you will be at enhancing your appearance with the right style for the occasion.Below, we look at 7 ways of tying a necktie.THE FULL WINDSOR KNOTAlso known as the Double Windsor, this necktie knot was named after the Duke of Windsor.This knot is characterized by a large, symmetric triangular shape, and is best worn with shirts with a wide spread collar.It also looks great on men with a large neck. The full Windsor knot is a great choice for job interviews and formal occasions.Owing to its large knot and the fact that it has to be symmetrical, the full Windsor knot can be a bit difficult to achieve for someone who does not wear ties regularly.Below are the steps to follow to achieve the full Windsor knot. Start by placing the necktie around your neck with the wide end of the tie hanging about five inches below your waistline.Pick the wide end of the necktie and cross it horizontally above the slim end of the tie, such that the two form an X just below your chin.While using two fingers (the thumb and forefinger) to hold the X in place, tuck in the wide end of the necktie below and behind the X, so that it emerges from behind the X pointing upwards.Pull the wide end all the way through and let it fall downwards over the front of the X shape.Once again, pick the wider end of the tie and cross it horizontally behind the knot.Pass the wider tip upwards and loop it diagonally over the loop around your neck, such that the wider end emerges behind this loop facing downwards.Placing a finger in front of the kno t, cross the wide end horizontally in front of the knot and above your finger. The finger ensures that a space is left between the band formed by the necktie and the knot.Tuck the wide end of the necktie below and behind the knot so that the tip emerges pointing upwards behind the knot.Turn the wide end so that it faces downwards and slip it through the horizontal loop you created with your finger in step 7.Pull the wide tip all the way down till the knot becomes tight. If there are any creases in the knot, smooth them out. There, your full Windsor knot will be ready.THE HALF WINDSOR KNOTThe half Windsor knot is a more modest and less showy version of the full Windsor knot.Just like the full Windsor, the half Windsor is symmetrical, but the knot is a bit smaller.The half Windsor is a great choice for thick and medium width neckties.Since it uses less length compared to the full Windsor, the half Windsor is also a great option for tall and big men who want to wear a regular length ti e.The half Windsor knot is quite easy to achieve, even for beginners.Below are the steps on how to achieve a half Windsor knot. Start by placing the necktie around your neck such that the wide tip of the necktie is on your right side and hanging down to your right thigh, while the thin tip should be somewhere around your rib cage.Grab the wide end and cross it above the thinner end of the tie, such that the two form an X just below your chin.Holding the center of the X in place with your finger, once again grab the wider end of the tie and loop it horizontally behind the thinner end.Wrap the wider end of the necktie diagonally around the loop around your neck, then push it downwards such that it emerges on your right side behind the knot. Pull until the knot feels tight.Placing a finger in front of the knot, cross the wide end horizontally from right to left in front of the knot and above your finger. The finger ensures that a space is left between the band formed by the necktie and the knot.Tuck the wide end of the necktie below and behind the knot so that the tip emerges pointing upwards behind the knot.Turn the wide end so that it faces downwards and slip it through the horizontal loop you created with your finger in step 5.Pull the wide tip all the way down till the knot becomes tight. If there are any creases in the knot, smooth them out. There, your half Windsor knot will be ready.If you want to adjust the length of the necktie, just hold the knot and pull it towards your neck while pulling the thin end of the necktie downwards.THE FOUR IN HAND KNOTThis is one of the simplest and most common necktie knots for beginners.If you learned how to tie a tie in school, you probably learned the four in hand knot.The four in hand is easy to learn and less tricky to achieve because it is slightly asymmetrical.According to fashion folklore, this is an old method that British horsemen used to tie their scarves with one hand, while the other hand held the reins of fou r horses â€" hence the name four in hand.The four in hand knot is best suited for relaxed occasions.Since it has a narrower shape, it is a great choice for button-down collar dress shirts and narrow spread collars.It also doesn’t use up a lot of the tie’s length, which makes it a great choice for tall and big men who want to wear a regular length tie.Below are the steps on how to achieve the four in hand knot. Drape the necktie around your neck, with the wider end a couple of inches lower than the thinner end.Grab the wide end and cross it above the thinner end of the tie, such that the two form an X just below your chin.Holding the center of the X in place with your finger, grab the wider end of the tie and loop it horizontally behind the thinner end.Place a finger in front of the knot and cross the wider end of the necktie horizontally in front of the knot and above your finger. The finger ensures that a space is left between the band formed by the necktie and the knot.Tuck th e wide end of the necktie below and behind the knot so that the tip emerges pointing upwards behind the knot.Turn the wide end so that it faces downwards and slip it through the horizontal loop you created with your finger in step 4.Pull the wide tip all the way down till the knot becomes tight. To make the knot tighter, hold the knot and gently tug on the thin end of the necktie. If there are any creases in the knot, smooth them out. There, your four in hand knot will be ready.THE ORIENTAL KNOTAlso known as the simple knot, the Petit Noeud, or the Kent knot, this is one of the simplest necktie knots you will ever encounter.It takes very few steps to achieve the oriental knot, and it doesn’t need a lot of necktie length.While it is a simple knot to achieve, it is not common in the west. It is a lot more popular in Asia (and especially China), which is why it is known as the oriental knot.The oriental knot is characterized by an asymmetry that causes it to lean towards the active e nd.The oriental knot appears a bit small when well tightened, which makes it a great choice for small collar spreads and men with narrow faces.It is also a great choice for tall people, since it does not use up a lot of necktie length. The oriental knot is best suited for business casual, social events, and other types of laid back occasions.Perhaps the reason why the oriental knot is not common in the west is due to the fact that it is not self-releasing.This means that you have to untie the whole knot, unlike other popular knots like the Windsor and the four in hand, which can be untangled by simply pulling the knot downwards.Despite this, it is still a great knot to show your laid back style.Below are the steps to follow to achieve the oriental knot. Place the necktie around your neck, with the seam facing outwards and the wider end of the tie a couple inches below your desired finishing position.Cross the wider end of the necktie below the narrow end to form an X just below your neck.Keeping a finger above the X, cross the wider end horizontally in front of the X and above your finger. The finger ensures that a space is left between the band formed by the necktie and the knot.Tuck the wide end of the necktie below and behind the knot so that the tip emerges pointing upwards behind the knot.Turn the wide end so that it faces downwards and slip it through the horizontal loop you created with your finger in step 3.Pull the wide tip all the way down till the knot becomes tight. To adjust the tie, hold the knot in one hand and gently pull on the thinner end. With these 6 steps, your oriental knot will be ready.THE KELVIN KNOTFor those looking for a more creative way to wear your necktie, the Kelvin knot is a great choice.While it seems a bit advanced, you won’t really find it challenging if you have already learnt how to achieve the oriental knot or the four in hand.The Kelvin knot is named after mathematical physicist Lord Kelvin. The Kelvin knot is characte rized by a small to medium sized knot, almost similar in size to the four in hand.Like the oriental knot, it starts with the seams of the tie facing outwards.The Kelvin knot is a great choice for button down collars and point collars, and is most suitable for men with smaller faces.The Kelvin knot is appropriate for both business and casual settings.Below are steps on how to achieve the Kelvin knot. Start by placing the necktie around your neck, with the seam facing outwards and the wider end of the tie a couple inches below your desired finishing position.Cross the wider end of the necktie below the narrow end to form an X just below your neck.Cross the wider end horizontally in front of the X and then wrap it horizontally behind the X.Keeping a finger above the knot, once again cross the wider end horizontally in front of the knot and above your finger. The finger ensures that a space is left between the band formed by the necktie and the knot.Tuck the wide end of the necktie belo w and behind the knot so that the tip emerges pointing upwards behind the knot.Turn the wide end so that it faces downwards and slip it through the horizontal loop you created with your finger in step 4. You should be careful not to slip the wide tip through the loop that was created in step 3.Pull the wide tip all the way down till the knot becomes tight. To tighten the tie, hold the knot in one hand and gently pull on the thinner end. With these simple steps, your Kelvin knot will be ready.THE NICKY KNOTThis necktie knot is named after a tie maker known as Nikita Kruschev.The Nicky knot originated in the fashion houses of Milan. This knot appears to be symmetrical, despite the fact that it has more steps on one side compared to the other.In terms of size, the Nicky knot is a bit thicker than the four in hand but smaller than the half Windsor. The Nicky not especially looks great on skinny ties.Since it does not use up a lot of tie length, this knot can be used by tall men or short er than regular neckties.Below are the steps on how to achieve the Nicky knot. Start by placing the necktie around your neck, with the seam facing outwards and the wider end of the tie a couple inches below your desired finishing position.Cross the wider end of the necktie below the narrow end to form an X just below your neck.Flip the wider end of the necktie upwards and diagonally over the front of the X. Pass it behind the knot such that it emerges on your left side facing downwards.Keeping a finger above the knot, cross the wider end horizontally in front of the knot and above your finger, from left to right. The finger ensures that a space is left between the band formed by the necktie and the knot.Tuck the wide end of the necktie below and behind the knot so that the tip emerges pointing upwards behind the knot.Turn the wide end so that it faces downwards and slip it through the horizontal loop you created with your finger in step 4.Pull the wide tip all the way down till the knot becomes tight. You can adjust the tie by holding the knot in one hand and gently pulling on the thinner end. Your Nicky knot should now be ready.THE ST. ANDREW KNOTThe St. Andrew knot is another great option for those who want to achieve a serious look but without looking too conservative.The St. Andrew looks somewhat similar to the half Windsor, though their steps are totally different.This knot is slightly asymmetrical and is a little larger than the half Windsor, but smaller than the full Windsor.Like the last three knots we have just looked at, the St. Andrew falls in the group of necktie knots that start with the necktie inside out.The St. Andrew knot is perfect for both business and casual occasions. It is best suited for men with broad shoulders and rounder faces.It’s somewhat large size helps keep things proportional.Below are the steps to follow to achieve the St. Andrew. Start by placing the necktie around your neck, with the seam facing outwards and the wider end o f the tie a couple inches below your desired finishing position.Cross the wider end of the necktie below the narrow end to form an X just below your neck.Once again, cross the wider end of the necktie horizontal in front of the X.Continue wrapping the wider end of the necktie around the X such that it now passes horizontally behind the X.Flip the wider end of the necktie upwards and diagonally over the front of the X. Pass it behind the knot such that it emerges on your left side facing downwards.Keeping a finger above the knot, cross the wider end horizontally in front of the knot and above your finger, from left to right. The finger ensures that a space is left between the band formed by the necktie and the knot.Tuck the wide end of the necktie below and behind the knot so that the tip emerges pointing upwards behind the knot.Turn the wide end so that it faces downwards and slip it through the horizontal loop you created with your finger in step 6.Pull the wide tip all the way dow n till the knot becomes tight. With that, your St. Andrew knot should now be ready.WRAPPING UPThe necktie is a fashion item every man needs in his wardrobe.This simple piece of clothing makes you appear professional and confident and helps you to communicate your sense of style and command respect.However, if you want to make the most of the neckties in your wardrobe, you should know different ways of tying the ties.You don’t really want to show up to a meeting with the CEO you are trying to impress wearing a four in hand necktie knot.Fortunately, we have shown you 7 different ways to tie the necktie, so you don’t have to stick with the one style you learnt back in school.With these, your colleagues can’t help but get wowed by your amazing necktie styles and your great sense of fashion.
Friday, May 22, 2020
B Lymphocytes Humoral Immunity And Provides Defense...
Introduction : B lymphocytes are the effectors of humoral immunity and provides defense against pathogens by producing antibody. B cells constitute approximately 15% of peripheral blood leukocytes and arise from progenitors and precursors in the bone marrow. B lymphocytes undergo random immunoglobulin variable gene rearrangements at the heavy and light chain loci. These chains pair with the IgÃŽ ± and IgÃŽ ² polypeptides to form the mature B-cell receptor which is then transported onto the cell surface where it can bind antigen and signal inside the cell. Different populations of B cells result in pre immune pools where each cell in these quiescent populations expresses a B cell antigen receptor with a unique specificity. The BCRs come in contact with their specific antigen and generate several intracellular signals are which leads activation, differentiation, and formation of plasma cells and memory B cells. This process mediates the response to subsequent antigen challenges. B lymphocytes play an essential role by not only producing antibodies but also functioning as antigen-presenting cells and certain B cells can also negatively regulate the immune response by producing regulatory cytokines and directly interacting with pathogenic T cells via cell to cell contact. Newly generated immature B cells are selected to enter the peripheral mature B-cell pool only if they do not bind to self-antigen. Immature B cells that bind to self antigen are not generally recruited to matureShow MoreRelatedThe Main Functions Of The Immune System907 Words  | 4 PagesDefending the host against pathogens and toxins is the major function of the immune system, a task essential to any organism. Composed primarily of individual cells rather than forming into organs, the cells of the immune system spread throughout the body. The immune system is able to distinguish its own molecules from foreign molecules. There a number of key stages involved an immune response; pathogen, recognition, activation and initiation, regulation, and the generation of immunological memoryRead MoreThe Immune System And Defense Responses Against The Disease Producing Organism984 Words  | 4 Pagescombination of defense responses against the disease-producing organism, called pathogens, which play a fundamental role in body s abilities to maintain its state of homeostasis. The resistance against the pathogens can be fighted thanks to two collaborative systems: nonspecific and specific resistance. Nonspecific resistance consists of defense mechanism that provides a protection response to a wide range scale of invaders. This includes nonspecific, mechanical barriers and defenses. Whereas, specificRead MoreCh. 43 Ap Biology807 Words  | 4 Pagesof nonspecific defense mechanisms with examples of each. †¢ External defense, which includes the skin and mucous membranes in the body. †¢ Internal defense which includes phagocytic cells and antimicrobial proteins. 2. What is meant by specific defense? Defense mechanisms are said to be specific because depending on which one they focus on one specific part of the body or a specific type of pathogen. 3. Give examples of â€Å"barrier defense.†An example of a barrier defense is the largestRead MoreHow the Immune System Works Essay1951 Words  | 8 PagesMost of the time nonspecific defenses keep pathogens from getting into the body. Sometimes one can break through and cause a disease. This is where the immune system comes into use. The immune system is the bodys third line of defense. It is a network of several tissues and white blood cells. 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Neisseria meningitidis is the cause of the majorityRead MoreHiv Pandemic : The Ongoing Human Immunodeficiency Virus5537 Words  | 23 Pagesinterrelated outcomes from the same disease until 1981 when clusters of young, homosexual men in New York City and Los Angeles began presenting with Pneumocystis pneumonia and Kaposi’s sarcoma [2,3], illnesses most often associated with compromised immunity. The causative agent of this immunodeficiency, initially known as Human T-Lymphotropic Virus, type III, now known as HIV, was first discovered in 1983 by French and American scientists [4,5]. Since this discovery, an estimated 39 million people haveRead MoreThe Central And Peripheral B Cell Tolerance2686 Words  | 11 Pagescentral and peripheral B cell tolerance Introduction : B lymphocytes are the effectors of humoral immunity and provides defense against pathogens by producing antibody. B cells constitute approximately 15% of peripheral blood leukocytes and arise from progenitors and precursors in the bone marrow. B lymphocytes undergo random immunoglobulin variable gene rearrangements at the heavy and light chain loci. These chains pair with the IgÃŽ ± and IgÃŽ ² polypeptides to form the mature B-cell receptor which
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Essay on My Family History - 750 Words
My Family History Family history is very important to an individual. By knowing where you come from, you can have a better perspective of your life. Having a clear understanding of your family background allows you to better appreciate the things that you would normally take for granted. The house, the car, and the average clothing may look better when one sees the sacrifices their family has made. They will see that their family has worked very hard just so their family can experience the better things in life. A persons roots and origin is one of the most important things to explore. It alone can bring you closer to self-discovery. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There are two sides to a person’s family and one side of my family has†¦show more content†¦One of these is that on Thanksgiving everybody comes together to my parents’ house in New Jersey for a huge feast. On Christmas only my mother and the children (me and my brother) travel to Illinois to spend a week with my grandparents. On New Years Eve we all get together at my parents’ house in New Jersey and toast to the New Year with champagne and apple cider. During Labor Day weekend all of my family travels to South Jersey to my grandfathers’ condo. We usually spend all of our time on the beach and barbequing, except on Sunday when we go to church. After all, my grandfather is a minister. One of our biggest family traditions is going back to Puerto Rico. Every year my mother and I travel back to Puerto Rico for a portion of our summer vacation. Now that I am older I travel there more often and stay there much longer. My father never joins because he doesn’t like my mothers side of the father too much and he thinks that we when we speak Spanish we are all plotting against him. Of course that’s not true though. My bother doesn’t speak Spanish so he doesn’t like to go either. I guess that tradition is one that belongs solely to my mother and I. The role of the people in family basically stayed the same for most of the generations with a little change in the later generations. Earlier the males were the only ones that worked in the family and the wife stayed at home and took care of the house andShow MoreRelatedMy Life Of My Family History941 Words  | 4 PagesMy family history is a complicated one to say the least, however through this research I have learned more about them than I previously thought. Throughout the years I have spent many hours talking to both of my grandparents listening to their life journeys. My father’s mom Charlene had a rough childhood. She was born into complete poverty in the Central Valley in a town called Porterville, CA, as a field worker in during the depression. Her mother my great-grandmother was full blooded Cherokee IndianRead MoreMy Family History : Diabetes1152 Words  | 5 PagesAfter thorough research into my family history I’ve realized that my family has a history of developing diabetes. Also known as Diabetes mellitus is a group of diseases that develop in the human body because of too much sugar in the blood system. There are different types of diabetes such as type one, type two, prediabetes, and gestational diabetes. Type-one diabetes is a chronic condition, in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. Type-two diabetes is a chronic condition that affectsRead MoreTrace My Family History1303 Words  | 6 PagesI was able to trace my family history as far back as my Great grandparents on my mother’s side. I learned some very interesting and shocking facts about their lives and the struggles they had to endure. My Great grandparents adoptive my mother and twin sister at the age 2 because their parents were unable to care for them properly. They welcomed them with open arms and raised both of them as if they were their own. My Great grandfather was named James Allen Barnes, he was one of 5 sibling who wasRead MoreMy Family History - Essay1015 Words  | 5 PagesDouglas Douglas 1 2-6-12 My family history In all of us there is a hunger, marrow deep, to know our heritage - to know who we are and where we came from. Without this enriching knowledge, there is a hollow yearning. No matter what our attainments in life, there is still a vacuum, emptiness, and the most disquieting loneliness.†–Alex Haley This quote explained to me the importance of my grandparent’s legacy and their history. A long twisting family tree inspires one who does not knowRead MoreMy Family History : Pakistan1030 Words  | 5 Pageshave been growing up, I have noticed that my entire background has influenced in who I am. My family history, First of all, is present in my values, my personality because they were the first who teach me how to take my first steps in life. My culture makes me different and identifies me with my birthplace. I belong to a Muslim family having a Pakistani culture. The environment where I grew up was Islamabad, a capital city of Pakistan. All the parts of my background make the person that I am. PakistanRead MoreMy Family History Is Not The Truth Essay2347 Words  | 10 Pagesa new story, a second edition of the same history. It’s the same general story at heart but it’s not the truth. It is safe to say that all history is not the truth, surely some things have been changed. My family history is no exception. The real truth may not be known at all, but many things are known, enough for it to be reconstruct, to be restored piece by piece, memory by memory. According to my aunt Jill, who is very interested in history, the Livingston name goes back many centuriesRead MoreFictional Account: My Family History1415 Words  | 6 Pagesprospects for my family. 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Olivia, being the youngest, would say, â€Å"your not the boss of me!†Umm, actually I am while your parents are away, so please just listen to what I ask of you. After two long years of babysitting, I had decided I really did not like kids, that
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Aka Anta! Aka Anta Free Essays
She was beautiful to last. One day, when she was taking a stroll, she met a young prince who happened to pass by. The prince was very handsome. We will write a custom essay sample on Aka Anta! Aka Anta or any similar topic only for you Order Now When she first saw the prince she felt a strong sensation for him. So did the prince for her. They exchange pleasantries and search each other’s feelings out. Everyday from then on they would go out together, until one day the prince revealed his true feelings to the princess. So since the princess had long et her heart for the prince, she didn’t hesitate anymore and at once accepted his love for her. One afternoon after their usual walk together, the two engaged in a most intimate conversation under the sweet-scented plants kept by the princess. â€Å"Marring Magna†, how lovely your flowers are, but the flowers in our kingdom are far more beautiful and fragrant. None of those here could compare with them. †â€Å"Really? Tell me where your kingdom is? †â€Å"Yonder in those parts where no mortals can go. After a little while more, the prince bade goodbye with a sad look in his face. This prompted Marring Magna to ask the prince the reason why. â€Å"Well it’s because the prince couldn’t find the right words to explain himself. Well, because of what? What seems to be the trouble? †the princess kept skins, suspecting something was wrong. â€Å"l must return home, if not, I will not be able to return home to our kingdom anymore. I want very much to bring you along with me, but such is not permissible. Your kind is not allowed in our kingd om. Thus, farewell, my love. †â€Å"Come back tonight will wait for you here in the garden. Please, you’ll come back? ‘ â€Å"I’ll try, Marring Magna,†the prince promised. It was close to midnight when the prince came. He was greeted by the princess who waited for him inside the garden. They talked for hours and hours. Their conversation almost touched on every subject. All the time, the princess wrapped herself tightly around the arms of the prince, never letting go. Suddenly, the prince stood up and announced, â€Å"l must leave at once, Marring Magna! It’s about midnight. If don’t depart at once I won’t be able to return home. Stay put. But I want you to remember you’re the one love,†as he threw a gentle kiss on the petal lips of Marring Magna. The princess tried to stop the prince as she grabbed his arms with all her might. She could not bear the fact his lover would abandon her. While tugging at each other, suddenly the prince disappeared and left his arms behind held teen the palms of Marring Magna. The princess was shocked at this that she runs quickly to a corner of the garden and buried the arms. A few days after, there sprouted a strange plant on the spot where she buried the arms. It had wide leaves but no branches. A few days more, the tree shed flowers, everyday thereafter, she would visit the plant. Then a few days later, it bore fruits in the place of its flowers. The fruits came in bunches, each bunch looked like fingers set side by side and laid parallel to each other. These became known as the first banana fruits in the world. A very long time ago, in what is now the town of Cantina in Racial, there lived a woman named Jamaican who was well-known not only to the people of her native town but also to those of the neighboring towns. She was greatly admired for her beauty and wealth as she belonged to a rich family. But above all, she was very much loved and was highly respected by everyone for she possessed a king and generous heart. Charity was something inborn in her. Even as a little girl she would give kindly to each and every beggar who would pass by their house to ask for alms. She would also often go out of her way to invite the poor children in the trees to the house and let them play with her toys. As she grew up, she continued on with his charitable acts. It became a usual scene every Sunday morning when she came home after mass to see a long line of beggars, waiting for her at the foot of the stairs. With open hands and an understanding heart, she would see to it that their needs are attended to. She would personally hand in food, toys, clothes, money and the like according to what each of them would ask from her. Her goodness was very much appreciated by her town mates who made her more endeared to them. Unfortunately, Jamaican was not as lucky in love as most other beautiful omen her age were who got married and had children. She didn’t fall in love again when her first love got sick and died. She remained an old maid even after her parents have both died and was left alone in the house. Instead, she devoted her time and wealth caring for the needy. To openly express their gratitude and respect she truly deserves as would be fitting to one as elderly a woman she has come to be regarded, people began addressing her as â€Å"Aka Anta†– â€Å"Aka†woman and â€Å"Anta†which is short for Jamaican. Altogether, â€Å"Aka Anta†became more than just a name; the name itself became a symbol of â€Å"salvation to the needy†. One Christmas day, like all previous Christmas, many poor folks flocked to the home of Aka Anta for the usual yuletide giveaways. Short of their expectations, Aka Anta was not by the open window for the first time in years. They called out to her but there was no reply, nor did anyone come to the window. They tried altogether to call out to her several times, but again there was no response. Anxious and all that, a number of them decided to enter the house if anything was the matter. As the door opened, they see Aka Anta lying on the floor. Certain she was dead, the women began to scream, the men made the sign of the cross. There followed loud weeping as they affectionately cried out her name, â€Å"Aka Anta! Aka Anta†. The more they were moved to tears when they noticed the gifts lying on the floor Aka Anta had prepared for them. x How to cite Aka Anta! Aka Anta, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Crucible John Proctors Decision To Die Was Justifiavble Essays
The Crucible: John Proctors Decision To Die Was Justifiavble John Proctors Decision To Die Was Justifiable In the novel The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, a strict and disciplined puritan town is dealing with a case of witchcraft. It started when a group of girls were found dancing and participating in mysterious acts in the forest. John Proctor, a simple farmer in this rigorous and religious town, is a man of strong moral beliefs, concerned only for the safety of his family and personal welfare. He does not care for the beliefs of any of the other people in the town or for what the Reverend, a strong community figure, thinks either. After trying to avoid involvement in the witch trials he is later prosecuted for witchery and sentenced to hang. His reason for avoiding getting involved is to protect his image because he is afraid he will be committed of adultery, something he did with Abigail Williams. Abigail is one of the accused girls and also happens to be the Reverend's niece. Following these events he tries to save the lives of innocent towns people by admitting to this horrible offense of adultery, but ends up losing the trial along with his life. He did have a chance to live but instead of signing away his name to keep his life, he wanted to die honorably with his friends, rather than live a life of guilt and carry a blackened name. John Proctors decision to die is reasonable and believable. Proctor has come to regard himself as a king of fraud as long as he remains obedient to an authority in which he cannot respect. As John talks with his wife Elizabeth discussing the matter of whether or not he shall confess, he tells her of what a fraud he is. ?I cannot mount the gibbet like a saint. It is a fraud. I am not that man. Nothing's spoiled by giving them this lie that were not rotten long before? (The Crucible, 136). While In other words he believes that he cannot be his true self when he has to abide by lies and not by his morals. He is caught in a web of moral dilemmas involving not only his own fate, but that of his wife, his friends and the entire Salem community. John Proctor is the individual who must decide weather or not he will assert himself against an overbearing authoritarian government. His loyalty to his own beliefs, which do not include golden candlesticks for pulpits or ?hellfire? sermons, are contradicted by Reverend Parris. So he would normally resists the reigning authority and retreat to his farm. But thus far his rebellion against the church really involves none but is own welfare. At the same time, the community of Salem rests on his decision of weather to lie dishonorably or die honorably. John Proctor is looked upon as a respectable farmer, and as an individualist. He may be but he is still respected. John does not respect the church or theocracy especially when a Reverend so corrupt is the superior. John Proctor is setup as the individual who is revolting from the restrictions of too much authority. It was believed that many men were tempted by the devil to do his bidding and they were thought of to be the ?enemy?. In Salem, the ?enemy? is at least partially represented by Proctor, who is acting as an individual and is breaking away from the established authority. Ever since Reverend Parris took his position in the community, John became an individual by standing out in the crowd and noticing Parris's problem with money. While in the courts, he states an opinion. ?I-I have no love for Mr. Parris. It is no secret. But God I surely love? (The Crucible, 90). Because his thoughts on the reverend reflect on him as being ?wrong?, he is entitled to his opinion. He knows he loves God and that is all that matters. But because of this strong and unfamiliar opinion, he is seen as a threat to the community, and consequently will be considered as being aligned with the devil. The one looked upon as a threat, ultimately, the central figure of drama, but
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