Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The World As We Know Today - 1407 Words
In the world as we know today â€Å"humans†are transforming as we know it, the pure definition of what it is to be human can never have a true answer as humans are constantly evolving. Before taking ISP 255 I originally came in this class with the notion that being a human is the fact that we are bipedal and assume other different unique characteristics. However my views of this have changed since taking the class because my mind adapted new ideas and theories. Humans can be defined as many things as of today because we are living in a time where humanness is changing constantly. The many technologies that we build to make life easier for ourselves is creating a whole new world. When our species first inhabited the earth we weren’t alone as evidence shows, there were many creatures including dinosaurs. What separated us from any animals including dinosaurs is our free will to think of something and then attempt to do it rather than rely on pure instincts. Every human h as the consciousness to hold them back from following they’re pure instincts and that alone is a sign of being human. Humanity created many different religions and all of these religions follow the same guidelines that keep the humans that follow them in order. Even people who don’t believe in a religion are still human because they had that personal choice of choosing to not follow a religion. This is the main characteristic of being human, the free will to do as you choose and exceed limitations of instincts. InShow MoreRelatedHow Technology Has Shaped The World Of Business We Know Today Essay1379 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Technology’s evolution has shaped the world of business we know today. It was absolutely necessary, just a few decades ago, to be present in a physical work place for one’s occupation; being if that occupation involved an office. Today, a company of two hundred people can be run from all remote locations. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Sam Elzebak Review of Resume and Cover Letter Free Essays
Dear Customer: Regarding your kindly submitted resume and cover letter, I suggest the following adjustments and empowerments: Selection of a strong single font of 10 pt to 12 pt size for both resume and cover letter; supplementing this with varying sizes within the 10-to-12 pt for headings and body, bolding, and bullets for the various sections. Formatting the resume to make maximum best use of white area and dark print for eye-catching contrast. Add a very strong, empowering Objective that targets the sort of career position(s) that you want. We will write a custom essay sample on Sam Elzebak: Review of Resume and Cover Letter or any similar topic only for you Order Now Add an Executive Summary and a specific Qualifications section and use strong skills statements and strong verbs. Add specific numbers for accomplishments, including estimated dollars saved or increased in sales, percentages of time or other items saved, number of new products or processes designed, etc. Add a Certifications section to include any licenses or certificates you possess for your work, or which could be useful to it. Possibly add an Awards and Recognition section to highlight your accomplishments. Add a Special Skills section to include computer programs and software known, various equipment, any foreign languages (reading, writing, or fluent), and/or other skills that others candidates applying for these types of jobs you target may not have and which can make you a standout job candidate. Formatting the cover letter into a letterhead document. Using bullet points and more powerful specific language in the cover letter as a sharp, eye-catching display of your potential worth to new employers. Thank you for the opportunity to review your resume and cover letter. Best regards. How to cite Sam Elzebak: Review of Resume and Cover Letter, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Internet Marketing Case of Ping Golf
Question: Discuss about the Internet Marketing for Case of Ping Golf. Answer: Introduction: The overall study mainly helps in depicting the internet marketing scheme, which might be used by Ping Golf in establishing the network in Singapore. In the current era, with the implementation of technology, Ping was able to attract and reach potential customers. Moreover, the company has mainly started its operations from 1959 in Redwood City, California (ping.com 2016). The company mainly deals with golf clubs and provide goods to Golf Players. In addition, the company has been operating in US by providing quality products to golfers and public. Industry: In addition, the company effectively targets customers the plays golf for hobby or are professional. In addition, the company mainly deals in sports goods, which falls under the Sports Industry. Moreover, sport industry is currently flourishing in Singapore due to boost in hobbies adopted by customers. Target Market: In addition, Ping mainly targets golf players and major clubs in Singapore for creating demand for their Golf Clubs. Currently in Singapore the demand of quality golf clubs, have significantly risen due to change in hobbies of customers. Thus, Ping could effectively target customers from Singapore, which have enrolled them in clubs. The company has also been providing relevant branded quality bags and other accessories, which are demand by other sportsmen. Purchase Process: The overall purchase process that might be followed by the company mainly helps in improving the overall experience of the customers. Furthermore, the effective evaluation of Ping Golf website mainly depicts the purchase process that might be faced by its online customers. In addition, the appropriate purchase process is effectively depicted as follows. Figure 1: Showing the purchasing process that might be used by Ping Golf (Source: As created by the author) The overall figure 1, mainly helps in depicting the steps, which might be followed by the customers for receiving products thought online purchase. Some of the researchers mentioned that clear instructions in website mainly help in increasing the consumer friendly approach, which in turn increases demand for website services (Andreopoulou et al. 2014). On the other hand, other researchers criticises that companies with low quality products are not able to generate adequate awareness for their online service scheme (Fritz 2013). In addition, the purchase process might effectively help Ping Golf to improve the overall services that might be provided to the Singapore clients. In addition, the purchase process mainly starts with the identification of the product that is demanded by the client. The overall information of the website could be effectively delivered to potential customers, which might be helpful in generating the required awareness. In this context, research suggested that implementation of secure payment options mainly help in improving trust of the customers (Gangeshwer 2013). The website transfers the customers to a different authorisation page, which is hacker free and the vital information of the customer are safe from hackers. In addition, after the overall payment process, the client is made aware of the delivery date and time of their products could be made. However, other researchers mentioned that websites could reduce high-end hacking by implementing latest technology (Gray et al. 2015). Mapping the purchase journey of Ping Golf: Figure 2: Purchase journey of Ping Golf for entering into the market of Singapore (Source: As created by author) The above flowchart clearly depicts the purchase journey of Ping Golf for entering the market of Singapore. According to the above figure, it is clearly evident that Ping Golf will in initiate its business in the Singapore market using the online platform to sell its golf accessories. The use of online platform to promote new products or services is often considered as the most efficient means to expand the market share of an organisation (Kent et al. 2013). However, it has been argued that the customers often prefer buying from stores in order to ensure the quality of products (McClure et al. 2015). The awareness of the potential customers of Singapore will be generated from the online platforms like corporate website of Ping Golf, web forums, Facebook, and e-mail. With the help of such awareness, the customers will discover the new golf accessories available in the market. The sports lovers are high in the Singapore market and golf has been gaining popularity in the market. As a result, opening of the online store in Singapore will help in increasing the revenue of the organisation. However, the customers will also seek to develop an insight about the past reviews of the organisational products (Pomirleanu et al. 2013). Based on this information, the customers of Singapore would make the purchasing decisions. After the conduction of purchase, the customers will review the golf accessories through the usages and features. In case, the products are deemed satisfactory, Ping Golf will be able to create long-term relationships with the customers and experience increased repurchases. Critical evaluation of the customer experience: Online presence of Ping Golf: Ping Golf has been famous for the weighting of perimeter and heel toe products by adopting innovations, which are fitted in customisation. The company has entered into a relationship with Apple Inc, as the latter has launched ping application for the users of the organisation. In addition, the organisation is also available on Twitter page to sell and provide information to the customers. It is the leading golf retailer in Europe with more than 109 online stores in the UK. Areas of likes and dislikes: Ping Gulf has been maintaining its quality of products in the countries, in which it operates. Therefore, it is imperative for the organisation to sell the same quality of products to Singapore. However, the pricing structure of the products is quite high, which might hinder the middle class customers to purchase products from the organisation (Natarajan et al. 2013). In addition, the online website logs the customers out of the page, if the same is kept unused for certain amount of time. Use of different internet marketing tools and the SEO concept to offer the online experience: Ping Gulf has mostly relied on Twitter and the official website to conduct its sales. However, Facebook has not been given the highest priority and the web forums for accumulating new customer base. Hence, the use of Facebook as a sales platform will help Ping Gulf to attract a wide range of customers in the Singapore market. With the help of SEO, Ping Gulf would be able to implement cost-effective strategies for promoting the products using online platform. This is because the potential customers will be easily targeted locking to avail the golf accessories (Pomirleanu et al. 2013). In addition, SEO will also enable Pink Gulf to create brand awareness, as the customers will view the name of the organisation in the first web page after related searches. Recommendations In order to enhance consumer service, PING Golf is recommended to employ certain e-marketing tools that will further improve business success. E-mail Marketing- It is deemed that an organized as well as consistent e-mail marketing strategy is capable to generate huge annual revenue. The e-mail marketing tool of the company will include enabling its unlimited use, offering e-coupons library that will make its consumers aware of recent offers, will consist of monthly marketing themes and e-mail themed visuals for attracting huge consumer base (Roberts, Mary, and Debra 2012). Online distribution and process of payment- This e-marketing tool can be employed y PING Gold efficiently in order to offer products directly to its consumers in a prompt manner. Latest and highly efficient online payment processor must be employed by the company that will accept consumer payments for products through highly desired payment processes like PayPal and Google Checkout. Such tools will decrease the overall time of checkout process undergone by its consumers, which in turn will ensure superior consumer service and their increased preference to purchase the companys products online (Shaw et al. 2012). Online Adverting Strategies- PING Golf requires implementing effective online advertising strategies to enhance consumer awareness and loyalty towards the brand as well as its products. The company might employ Google Ad words, text ads that ensure that the users searches are displayed (Shih et al. 2013). These tools will help the company in targeting its definite consumer segments those desire to have increased interest in playing golf. Based on the analysis of the consumer searches for its products, PING Golf can increase its online advertisements on Facebook in order to gain new consumer groups. Quality of Communication PING Golf Company of Singapore ensures that visual aspects of its advertisements or package design are effectively designed to make sure that its target consumers sense of the brand. This marketing strategy is considered useful for the company as it facilitates its consumers in tracking build up cost of their order (Sin et al. 2013). Clarity of its visual advertising will facilitate PING Golf to recognize the costs equivalent to the financial cost is advantageous in improving their consumer behaviour and response as well. Strong visual adverting strategy must be used by the company in order to appeal attract attention of large target sports loving consumer base. Conclusion: The overall study mainly helps in depicting the internet strategy, which might be used by Ping Golf to increase their online presence in Singapore. In addition, the novice effectively depicts the online purchase process and purchase journey that might be helpful in creating customer satisfaction. Lastly, the novice effectively depicts the recommend be evaluating the viability of the internet marketing strategy adopted by Ping Golf. Reference: " PING ". 2016.Ping.Com. Accessed September 8 2016. https://ping.com/. Andreopoulou, Zacharoula, Georgios Tsekouropoulos, Christiana Koliouska, and Theodoros Koutroumanidis. 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