Saturday, January 25, 2020
Advice For Losing Weight Diet And Exercise English Language Essay
Advice For Losing Weight Diet And Exercise English Language Essay Losing weight can be frustrating and demanding, at its worst. For the past few months, I have been keeping up with the pace of several weight loss tips to help you realize your dream of getting the body you want. Weight loss tips will change your life in great pace in full twist turn. However, before you enjoy the spotlight, you must run after it. Here are some tips to help you, may the journey to a great body be full of success: Be a water buddy. Water detoxifies the body and it will keep the system working in healthy and great pace. Water is non calorie fluid that you can take anytime and any amount you want. It will help your body to look and feel sexier and fitter. Water first. Before you take your slimming tea in the morning, drink a glass of water. Water will pass through your digestive system washing toxins and harmful agents away. Moreover, it is a nice remedy to solve your food intake water can kill your appetite. Drink another glass before mealtime. Water does not contain calories. You drink a glass before you eat it will make you feel full of cutting short your food intake. Drink water while eating your meal. Do not be overly focused in eating your meal chunks. Most people leave out the value of water while they are eating. The human body is mostly made of water; and it is very important to lead the body with enough water supply. Water will keep your stomach full without eating more food. Say no to sweetened food drinks. Soda drinking is not a good idea. Sodas, colas, and fizzy contain sugar one of the main sources of calories is sugar. If you want to lose weight faster, you need to stay away from food drinks and stick to the diet regimen you are following. Go for Water Substitute. If you dont like drinking much water, it is better to stick to watery foods. Lemons and tomatoes are water-based fruits that you can eat to supply your body with the necessary fluid for detoxification. Fruit Juice or Fresh Fruits. Bottled fruit juices are sweetened with sugar you need to stay away from these juices to cut short your sugar intake. Fresh fruits have natural sugar that is beneficial to the body. Go for Fresh Fruit Juice. If you cant stand not drinking fruit juices, it is advisable to stick to fresh fruit juices. Artificial or sweetened juices contain a high amount of sugar, and it will surely devastate your weight loss goals. Say no to processed fruits. You love eating pineapple cuts in cans? Well, it is time to say no to canned fruits. It is good to eat fresh fruits than processed ones avoid the toxins and win a great body. Be fibrous. There are several fruits and vegetables that contain fiber. Fiber helps in digesting foods and cleaning the digestive tract from toxins. Go vegan. Salad will do bets for your diet. There are several vegetables that will help you lose weight and stay healthy at the same time. You can get leafy vegetables as part of your daily food intake. Eat no-brainier. Eating is not just a physical movement. Before you take a chunk of beef, think if it will do good for you. Do not eat like a hungry mongrel. Consider what you eat and do not drive your bodys will. Choose it and chew. When faced with delicious food, choose what to bite. Leafy vegetables that serve as garnishments for the dish, are more nutritious and important than the real dish. Do not think about the price of the dish think about the nutrients you will get. Say no to sweets. Chocolates are really tasty and you would die to have a crunch. However, if you want to stay in the weight loss goal you have, it is very important to throw the next package you get. Do not indulge yourself to gluttony with chocolates and other sweets. Eat on time. Schedule your eating time. Be sure to feed your body with proper foods at a scheduled time. Any alterations to the mealtime will affect the food intake. Those who eat late will surely have tendency to eat more than what they should. Dont eat without the need. You have taken your dinner but you need to be in a party? Well, you can go to the party without eating another plate of pork. It is very important to control your food drive. Eat only if you are really hungry and do not make any excuse to stay away from the plan. Moreover, be sure to check if you are hungry or just thirsty do not interchange the feeling. Say no to snack in between. Most snacks settle on junk foods. If you need to eat a meal, then eat but do not take snacks in between. Junk foods are high in calories and other elements but a pack of junk foods will not make you full. Say no to snacks and weight loss faster. Have a vegan snack. You really need a bite of snacks? If you do, then try to control what you eat for snacks. Eating vegetables, instead of junk foods are a good idea. Vegetables like carrots will keep your stomach full. Plus, you are getting the most of the nutrients. There are other vegetables that you can take advantage if you want to have vegan snacks. Figure your coffee and tea. Coffee and tea may be good for the morning, but if you add a lot of sugar, you will surely go to fatso. Moreover, cream is just a great equivalent for chocolates. Before you pour another teaspoon of cream or sugar, think again. Say no to coffee, go for tea. Tea and coffee are a good combination for the cold morning. Tea contains antioxidants to keep your body in great consonance. On the other hand, caffeine in coffee may affect the metabolic processes of the body. Calculate. If you can calculate your money, then try to count the calories you eat. Whatever you eat, try to figure out the amount of calories you are adding to your body. It takes a little of calculation to figure out the problem. Use them up. If you cannot really stop taking in extra calories, then use them up. The problem is not in the intake of calories but on burning up the calories that are accumulated in the body. Do not let calories go unpunished. Dont be fried. Fried foods make use of oil or fat. Oil and fat are exactly not good for your body. Stay away from fried foods because, even if oils are drained, internal oils will stay in the food; and you are taking them into your body system. Dont skip meals. If you think skipping a meal means a diet, you are in a perfectly messy thought. Be sure to eat your meals in proper time and proper counts. Three or four serve best. Eat them raw. Say no to canned vegetables they are as processed as the can packaging. Stay away from cooked foods. Preferably, go for raw vegetables. If you are cooking the vegetables, you are throwing half of the nutrients; and you are wasting the bucks. Egg means zero. If you love eating eggs, you are inviting cholesterol. Eggs are good if taken three or four times a week. Do not make them your everyday helpful meal. Keep the price. Some people dont eat chocolates because of the price. However, with the entry of various affordable chocolates, its so hard to resist. It is important to keep the price of chocolates; eat them only at times or on occasions. Scattering is always good. If you think you will be healthy by sticking to certain types of food, you are not in the middle of truth. It is very important to eat the right kind of foods from all food groups to keep your body in great health and to fully keep the stomach in great work. Say no to alcohol beverages; they will burn you down. Beers and beverages will make you fat. Alcohol in the body will cause disruption in the metabolism of the body and it will be very hard for you to handle the appetite swings after the alcohol subsided. Keep breakfast abreast. If you like jogging in the woods every morning, it is greatly advised to eat breakfast one after. It will supply the energy needs of the body and to replace what has been used during the jog. Weight Loss Tips for Eating: Go for carbs. Notions about carbohydrates are widespread in the web. Your body needs carbohydrates to maintain the energy supply of the body keep that at 50%. Proteins must go in the second. Proteins are responsible in the rebuilding and maintaining basic processes of the body. You must maintain a 25 30% intake of proteins to support repair of cells and other parts of the body. Fewer fats. You need some fats for energy but dont raise it more than 10-15%. Keep that percentage and maintain body weight. Have a vegan week. Vegetables can do wonder for your body. They contain lesser calories but lots of nutrients. It is a big thing that you keep up with the needs of the body by having a simple day for animal-based foods. But for the rest, go for vegetables as long as you can. Meat comes in white. Prefer to eat white meat from fish, tuna, and fowl. Avoid the red meat, like pork and beef, as they contain more than what your body needs. Go for fibrous grains. Instead of going for rice, you can find substitutes, like wheat. They contain higher protein and a great amount of fiber for body processes and digestion (respectively). Cut the pork. Pork is one of the culprits of fatness. If you can stay away from it, it will be very great. However, if you cannot stay away from pork, it is very important to cut the intake. If you will substitute another food for pork, it will be very great. Cut the sugar. Stop your intake for sugar-coated products. If you can get a sugar-free substitute, it would be very great to avoid fatness. Graze them piece by piece. Eating in a big amount at once will cause storage of unused foods. However, if you take in little meals, the body will be able to cope with with the digestion and all food energies will be used up. Cheat a little. Being in a diet is really hard. There are lot of food temptations that you need to avoid. However, if you cant stand seeing somebody eating sumptuously, you can cheat. Take a bite, but nothing more. Fat calculator. Before you eat, you try to find out the fat present. To calculate, each gram of fat is equal to 9 calories. You need to stick to the above plan, do not exceed fat intake. Salt no more. Salt is another silent culprit of fatness and overweight. You need to cut short of your salt intake to ensure weight loss. Turn from table butter to cholesterol-free butter. Table butter contains fats, oil, and a great deal of cholesterol. All these three will make your life a misery by adding pounds per pounds to your body. Substitute table butter with cholesterol-free butter, but still enjoy your meal. Bake them. Can the food be baked? If yes, then dont fry them. Bake the food as much as you can to avoid the oil associated with frying. Fry without oil. Non stick pans will help you to avoid using another quart of oil. You need to avoid oil as much as you can while you are cooking. Boil vegetables. Instead of cooking vegetables, you boil them. Cooking will take away the nutrients of the vegetables. Steaming vegetables will keep the nutrients of the leafy vegan. Most of the leafy vegans, like cabbage, are cooked this way to preserve vitamins. Chew parsley. Ever feeling the need to chew something? Try a parsley. It will do good to keep your teeth from cranking on another chunk of pork. Go low or no fats. Fats and cholesterol are good friends they eat up the health of your cardiovascular muscles. If you just buy wisely, you can get low fat substitutes or even cholesterol-free substitutes. Do not just pick the food and eat them at home because you saw the ad last night. It is important to read the labels. Dont worry with thousands of food manufacturers, you will have a wide range of choices for the low or zero fat substitutes you need. Dont have to crush over crash diets. Crash diet is a regimen that you want to take for a couple of days to lose weight. However, crash diets may really get you crushed. After the crash diet, the biggest tendency, you will surely go double your size. Most crash dieters experience many cravings for the food they miss for the couple of days. Just last week, diet is on the go; but for the current week, another dish party is happening. Teeth are for chewing, not for biting. You have teeth because foods must be chewed; and not to be swallowed directly. It is very important to chew foods properly up to 8 or 12 times. Chewed foods will be digested faster than swallowed ones. It will help the digestive system to burn them, and it will help in reducing the risk of constipation, which will also add problem to weight loss management, Go dry for wines. Sweet wines, are tasty but with the taste, you also need to cope with with the problem of weight gains. Dry wines are fermented longer taking away the sweetness of grapes. It will be good to go for dry wines than sweet glasses. Lets do the exercise day by day, not one single day. Physical fitness does not happen after you lift weights. You need to work it out. Start slowly and increase the pace as you are accustomed to your regimen. Do not worry the body will work for its best. Just keep your pace, things will work best. It takes time; wait for it. Pre-weight management. Before you start any exercise or regimen, be sure to have a point of start. It will be the foundation of the changes. Keep track with the changes most changes in weight happen after two weeks. Just give it a break for two weeks, and you will see the big change. Reward; encourage; be humane. After a series of hardship with weights in the gym, it is time to take a break. For the meantime, you are winning. You motivate yourself by treating yourself to movies or for a book, or anything that will make you happy, except foods. Sometimes, everything pays after hardship and a reward will increase your drive. Weight Loss Tips for Exercise Rest a day, but not a week. The human has its own limitations. You need to take a rest after a series of weight lifting and other exercises. However, do not lay things off. You must be back the soonest possible time. Get out; do it outdoor. If you have time and the area permits, it is very great to exercise outside. Mainly, you will be able to breathe fresh air and enjoy the morning breeze. Secondly, an exercise outdoor will ease out your body from the frustrations and stresses of the day. Be informed. Exercise is not just a physical exercise. There are exercises that will work best for your body. You need to know the different of strength exercises to abdominal workouts. Buying a book or a guide will do good for you and for your way to lose weight. Have a buddy and be encouraged. Being alone is one of the hardest things to consider. Ask another friend who also suffers from the same weight problem. You help him or her; and he or she will motivate you to exercise more and more. Its all about taking a partner to stand with and encourage. A tap in the shoulder will keep you working out or a call, while your lazy in getting out from bed, to keep you in the regimen. Stop when the body says stop. Do not strain your muscles. There are things that you need to consider. Over-fatigue will do much harm to your body. It will not keep your body working for the right moves and intensity. Take a break. It is not a rush contest. Dont go for the rush; take it at a time. Increasing the length of the exercise is a great idea to keep up your muscles and body to lose weight. However, you must not do it in one single blow, otherwise, you will surely go to the hospital for muscle strains. Do the increase gradually and slowly. Just keep the routine and sooner you will be able to increase your time. Make your own exercise schedule and style. Exercise is a personal matter to deal with. It is very important to make your own schedule and style the one that will suit your lifestyle. Not all in the book will work for you you must find out the right set for you. Walk more; stand less. Standing will just keep your body in relaxation but straining position. Try to walk around the corner to keep your blood circulating. Stand more, sit less. Sitting will keep your metabolism low, but if you stand your energies will be used up. Sit more, lie less. Want to lie in bed? Stop it. Sit down and keep your body working. Hey, youre not a couch potato, stop acting like one. If you really love to sit down in a chair and watch television for hours without anything to work on, it is time to kill the television and throw the chair. Find a chair that will not give you the comfort that you need. You dont deserve that now. Dont think this is too cruel it is for your best. Stretch your flex. Your job requires you to sit down for half a day? Well, break the blood lake. It is good to stand up and stretch muscles from time to time. Tele-walk will do good. While taking calls, you can walk in the area. Do not lazily sit down. Be patient forget the elevator, there is none invented yet. Elevators are made to speed up your way. It is good to take the lift while going up the floor. However, if you are going down, and you have nothing to rush for it will be better to trudge the stairs. It is a fine exercise that will keep your lower muscles in great shape. Plus, it will surely burn those stored fats in your body. It is just all about patience. Dont worry, it will surely pay. Quit smoking. Smoking is not the main culprit but the effects of smoking. Smoking may hamper weight loss by altering your food intake. Those who smoke tend to eat a bigger amount of foods than  non-smokers. Run a bit; its not race. Run a day but do not strain your body. Dont worry you wont qualify for the marathon. Walk is better if you cant run. If your doctor advises you not to run, dont. Brisk walking can do the magic. Walk if situation permits. If you need something by the next block, dont ride. You can walk around and enjoy the exercise. Drink black coffee before any workout. Caffeine may increase food intake; but you drink it before work out, the body will be forced to use fats that are stored in your body. However, there is no known evidence to this, but you may try. A caution: Excess of coffee leads to obesity. If you want to drink black coffee, be sure to take it lightly. Take an effort; forget the remote. With everything in your house run by remotes, you will go lazy, and you dont have to take an effort. It is about time to do it manually. If you need to stop the air conditioning system, you stand up and do it. There are things in the house that can be done manually. Reliance on remotes will just keep you in one place; and it will cut short your metabolism. Do it, instead of letting others do it. Most adults tend to tell their kids to do things for them. Well, oldies must be given special care. However, it will also stop your body from moving and exercising. If you can do the job, it is better to do it like turning the television on and off or taking a glass of water. Some others train their dogs to do things for them. You must not let the dog be healthy, and you are obese. Think it. Are you thinking about taking the elevator? Well, think again. Elevators will let you gain weight, go lazy and stand there without anything to work on. Now, before you ride the lift, it is great to think. Alternatively, else take the stairs and enjoy the perspiration. Be wise while watching. Often while you are watching television and faced with commercial breaks, you would look at another channel. A bad idea. It is time to walk a bit outside while commercial breaks are going on. Do not worry breaks are not important. Do not glue yourself to the television set or to the chair. It takes a lot of discipline. Work the joints. While sitting in your office, try to wriggle your toes and fingers. It will greatly help to keep stress away and to let blood flow to the joints of the body. It is a big thing that you do it as often as you can. Dance often. You havent danced for a while? Well, you dont need to have a party to grab a dance. Prepare some music in the room and close the door. Let yourself freely groove. Dont worry, nobody sees you. Just let your hair fall; dance wild; jump more and perspire more. Throw and fetch. You carry a soft disc with you. It will help you cope with with stress. You can throw it when you are angry or whenever you are prompted to do so. It is a great stress reliever. Actually, you are having a great exercise while getting the disc. This is very simple, but you will soon find the best effects of fetching. Embark earlier and walk. If you dont have a schedule to rush for, some walk in the street will do more than riding right to the door. You get down from the cab a block away from your destination, you walk around. It will help you to have a nice exercise while enjoying the day. Pelvic gyrations will help; but dont show it much, its not the dancing pole. The midsection of the body is often left out during exercises. It will be very great to have a time to do stomach crunches and other abdominal exercises. However, for a start pelvic gyrations will be best. You take some gyrations while others are busy doing their own stuff. Tuck your tummy-tacks. Actually, it is not really good to show off those gaits. You look piggish. You wear a belt and bring your tummy into subjection. Be sure to pressure your stomach to keep muscles intact. It will help to tone down your abdomen without much effort. Breathing is as important as jogging. Simple inhales and exhales will keep your abdomen in pressure to keep the air pathways clear. You can do the breathing exercises as often as you can. It can be done anywhere. Yoga will control you. One of the best advantages of yoga is the way to control and discipline the muscles of the body. You will be able to keep your muscles from weight gain. It will surely grab a lot of time, but it will definitely pay. Massage will get partners working. It is very important for partners to stay in fit. There are simple exercises that pairs can do. Simultaneous back scratching will help partners to keep their muscles in pressure. However, it is very important to have another pair to be in hand to avoid partners doing more than expected. Punching pillows is a great past time. If you dont have punching bags at home, you may be tempted to make the face of your partner the bag. To keep you from doing that, it will be very great to punch pillows as much as you can. Whenever you dont anything do, rather than sleeping, you punch pillows. It will help you get an exercise, and it will relieve stress. Jump in stairs. Normal taking up the stairs will do great for you. However, if you have a great leg, it will be great to jump on the steps as you go down. A caution: be sure that your legs and feet are working well to avoid accidents. Dog and you for a run. Do you have a dog at home? Dont keep the dog bored at home. You take a dog for a run. You let the dog lead; keep the pace of the dog. It will surely burn your fats. Dance class enrollment. Dancing is one of the best ways to lose weight. You will be engaging in various activities that will pressure your muscles and will use your energies. There are fast ballroom dances that you can enjoy. Dont go for the slow one because it will just make things worst. Push against the wall. Whenever you can, lean against the wall and make push ups. It is great to keep the pressure on your lower part while making getting your muscles in the arms and upper torso in pressure. Swim. If there is a pool in your area, or a lake will do, it is great to take a swim every now and then. Swimming will surely get all those fats out of your body. It is very important to have the necessary training before you do it. Be athletic. Play team sports like basketball. Basketball will pressure your body to work on until the rest of the game. Table tennis and basketball require you to move from one point to another and the pace is quite fast enough. Sports have addictive effects, once you have played and enjoyed the time, you will surely look for a way to be back. Warm your body up. If you want to get the most out of your exercise, it is very important to keep the 10 minutes warm up. Exercises are good but if you are going to strain your muscles, it will give you the opposite effect. Readiness is a primary requirement to keep your exercises in great pace. Leave your phone and run for it. Taking your phone with you anywhere you go is not a great idea for you. It is great to leave your phone in a place where you can hear it. When someone calls, it will require you to run and reach it. It is a great thing to require movement of your muscles. Exercise in the elevator. If you just cant avoid taking the elevator, it is remarkably great to do some simple stretches. You flex your muscles and do simple wriggling of toes and fingers. These activities are very simple, but it will make your elevator ride worth the time. Check your body. You stand in front of the mirror and try to figure out whats wrong with your body. It is very important to evaluate how you appear. You need to check if tummy fats are still alive. You weigh yourself and evaluate how you have progressed from the day you first weighed yourself. You need to evaluate yourself and recommend to yourself some other things you havent done if there are things you dont like. Bike in the baluster. If your house has a baluster, think crazily. You ride the baluster and imagine yourself taking a bike ride. You pump your legs as if acting like taking a pedal. It will keep the muscles of your body in great shape, and it is a great substitute to real biking. Sit erect. One of the main things that you need to consider is sitting straight in the chair. Do not slouch. As you sit down, try to hide your fats away. You put them inside your body, and you push your chest out. Do it oftentimes to correct your bad posture. Heres the tummy secret. Well, most weight loss people want to get the worst of their tummies. The tummy is the main thing it has a big mind of its own for foods, and it shows off whenever you walk or stand. To eliminate this problem, lets take a drill. You stand erect; you inhale as deep as you can and take your tummy in as hard as you can. As you exhale, be sure not let your tummy out do the exhaling slowly. You do the drill for 60 times in 20 days, and you will see the result. It is very hard for your stomach muscles to be tucked in but sooner as you progress, it will just be as simple as inhale and exhale. WhiteSmoke Writing Index 9 out of 10  Good
Friday, January 17, 2020
Forever war Essay
Forever war is a novel base on scientific fiction with both contemplative and action laden of interstellar wars between the enigmatic Tauran species and humanity, it has themes like brutality of enigmatic the wars and those involved in wars and reasons why a solder may return home many centuries after the war. The novel is all about a university student, William Mandella, who is called up for elites United Nations task force that is being gathered for war against the Taurans, a strange species realized when they abruptly attacked human colonists ships. Besides being sent for scouting/ reconnaissance purposes, politics of vengeance are also a reason for their formation The army consists of very educated individual with good physical and mental health and the theme of forever war begins in the training camps when very many casualties occur due to the live weapons and the harsh conditions in the training camps. The recruits undergo grueling training on earth and there after on Charon. The newly recruited solder leave for action and travel through worm hole like phenomena (collapsars) that lets ships to envelop many light years within a divided second. However there are relativistic effects realized due to the frequent traveling though the collapsars at almost light speed. The initial encounter with the unarmed Taurans far way from the planet becomes a massacre as the non resisting enemy is wiped out. Mandella painfully reflects how typical that encounter was for man kind past records with interaction with other cultures. From soldier’s point of view, that first expedition only lasted only some months but due to time dilation, several years had passed upon returning to earth. As they return along the long journey, they are attacked by Taurans who have highly advanced weapons while they cannot arm themselves. Marygay, a fellow soldier and a companion and lover to Mandella resume to civilian life but after some time they realize that they cannot fit in the society that has greatly evolved beyond what they can comprehend. The war veterans escape and resume to the army upon realizing the world government is officially encouraging homosexuality to prevent food wars and control overpopulation. They enlist to the army even though they realize that the military does not treat solders with much value but are used as machines. This further displays the Joe idea behind forever war in the Mandellas life and those of other soldiers. Mandella, through luck is able to survive four years of service to the military that can be termed as a number of centuries due to time dilation and as a result he attains higher ranks not from his personal imbibitions but through seniority as he is the oldest surviving soldier in that war. Despite of this Mandella is separated from his lover Marygay who has been his companion on earth since the time of his youth this is by the inevitable and unfriendly military machinery. After engaging in war for many thousand years from the earth, Mandella and other soldiers battle in trying to survive the last conflicts of war. During the past time mankind begins to clone himself and the results of cloning are also called man. Through a special form of communication, the clones are able to communicate with the Taurans who eventually are able to bring peace. It is then realized that the Taurans are clone who could not communicate with the pre-cloned man there leading to misunderstanding meaning that the war was a colossal mistake especially by the trigger happy community. The worst thing in the war from Joe’s point of view is that one is fighting a strange enemy in such a hostile environment and being trained efficiently to fuel yearns for blood. There are also problems when fighting in the clumsy combat in very low temperature besides traveling long distances in the black holes (collapsars). There are many ways a soldier can meet his death while fighting under such conditions there by leading to time dilation that results to the title of the book forever war. The progressions of displaying life as a combatant both in the combat situation and during training are unforgettable and gripping. The author has set a lot of understanding as a soldier during the Vietnam War in to the novel. The two main strengths put in the book are the depiction of progressive alienation of the combatants from the rest of mankind (humanity) and the psychological experience of being a combat that fortunately ends in a sorrowful revelation that the war they were engaged in was merely a blunder. In the novel, the armed forces stuff seemed well presented throughout. There is a particular attention grabber where by when the electricity does not work, the army alternatives is edged weapons. The military implication was well developed though the science in it may be kind of rubbish. Any one who doubts war could be as a result of an enemy that never was should consider the a recent event as the United States army panic stricken response to the international criminal court and their bizarre setting up of a national missile defense, this project will be costly in terms of monetary terms but will be to defend the US against a risk that is vanishingly not likely to become apparent . At the end, Mandela traces his love that had been lost for any years and the other humankind is identified as a race of the bisexual psychic clones. The Forever War doesn’t have happy termination as Mandella and Marygay find each other as the book end with the announcement of their first baby boy, they are in a prison planet where by the genetic curiosity has forced the human race to abandon its humanity in favor of monstrous liaison in the company of its former foe. REFERENCES Joe Haldeman: The Forever War, retrieved on 21st September, 2007, available at www. strangewords. com/archive/forever. html Joe W Haldeman (2003) The Forever War, Econo-Clad Boos publishers, US Review by Nicholas Whyte, retrieved on 21st September, 2007, available at www. nicholaswhyte. info/sf/forwar. htm Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, retrieved on 21st September, 2007, available at www. wikipedia. org/wiki/The_Forever_War
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Definition and Examples of Comparison in Composition
In composition, comparison is a rhetorical strategy and method of organization in which a writer examines similarities and/or differences between two people, places, ideas, or things.Words and phrases that often signal a comparison include similarly, likewise, by comparison, by the same token, in like manner, in the same way, and in a similar fashion. Comparison (often referred to as comparison and contrast) is one of the classical rhetorical exercises known as the progymnasmata. Comparison/Contrast Essays A Brother of St. Francis, by Grace RhysLaughter, by Joseph AddisonThe Lowest Animal, by Mark TwainLuxuries, by George AdeOf Youth and Age, by Francis BaconOn the Difference Between Wit and Humor, by Charles S. BrooksRed-Bloods and Mollycoddles, by G. Lowes DickinsonTwo Ways of Seeing a River, by Mark TwainWatching Baseball, Playing Softball, by Lubby Juggins Style Scrapbook Comparison in Laurie Lees AppetiteComparison in Sarah Vowells Place Description Etymology From the Latin, compare. Examples and Observations A car is useless in New York, essential everywhere else. The same with good manners.(Mignon McLaughlin, The Complete Neurotics Notebook. Castle Books, 1981)The truth of the matter was, the baby looked very much like a mouse in every way. He was only about two inches high; and he had a mouses sharp nose, a mouses tail, a mouses whiskers, and the pleasant, shy manner of a mouse. Before he was many days old he was not only looking like a mouse but acting like one, too--wearing a gray hat and carrying a small cane.(E.B. White, Stuart Little. Harper, 1945)Must a powerful fairy like myself condescend to explain her doings to you who are no better than an ant by comparison, though you think yourself a great king?(Andrew Lang, The Wonderful Sheep. The Blue Fairy Book, 1889)Immigrants in Canada are . . . more culturally similar to the native population than immigrant groups in other nations. Canadian immigrants nationalize at very high rates. They participate in the labor force at rates simil ar to the native population; their unemployment is lower; their occupational prestige is similar; and their income is the same as the native population.(J.P. Lynch and R.J. Simon, Immigration the World Over. Rowman Littlefield, 2003)establish a clear basis for comparison;make a thorough and specific presentation; andprovide an effective arrangement for the material.Comparison and Contrast EssaysTo gain the most from your use of comparison and contrast, . . . you need to(W.J. Kelly, Strategy and Structure. Allyn and Bacon, 1999)Arranging Details in Comparison and Contrast EssaysOrdering detail in a comparison-contrast essay requires some thought. One possible arrangement is the block pattern whereby all the points about one subject are made (in a block) then all the points about the other subject are made (in a second block). . . .A second possible arrangement for the details of comparison-contrast is the alternating pattern, whereby a point is made for one subject, then for the oth er. A second point is made for the first subject, then for the other. This alternating pattern continues until all the points are made for both subjects. . . .In general, the block method works better for essays with fewer points of comparison or contrast that are not extensively developed . . ..An alternating pattern is usually a better choice for an essay with many points of comparison and contrast or an essay with extensively developed ideas.(Barbara Fine Clouse, Patterns for a Purpose. McGraw-Hill, 2003)Complaining vs. MoaningVisitors to Britain are rarely able to grasp--sometimes after decades of residency--the vital distinction its inhabitants make between complaining and moaning. The two activities seem similar, but there is a profound philosophical and practical difference. To complain about something is to express dissatisfaction to someone whom you hold responsible for an unsatisfactory state of affairs; to moan is to express the same thing to someone other than the person responsible. The British are powerfully embarrassed by complaining, and experience an almost physical recoil from people who do it in public. They do love to moan though. The background music of British life is a running aria of moaning about pretty much everything--our weather, our politics, our permanently under-performing national sports teams, our reality-TV-obsessed media, and so on. Moaning, a source of entertainment in its own right, is also an important psychic comfort blanket, a way of venting resentment without taking responsibility for effecting change.(John Lanchester, Party Games. The New Yorker, June 7, 2010)European Football vs. American FootballAlthough European football is the parent of American football, the two games show several major differences. European football, sometimes called association football or soccer, is played in more than 80 countries, making it the most widely played sport in the world. American football, on the other hand, is popular only in the United States and Canada. Soccer is played by 11 players with a round ball. Football, also played by 11 players in somewhat different positions on the field, uses an elongated round ball. Soccer has little body contact between players, and therefore requires no special protective equipment. Football, in which players make maximum use of body contact to block a running ball carrier and his teammates, requires special headgear and padding. In soccer, the ball is advanced toward the goal by kicking it or by butting it with the head. In football, on the other hand, the ball is passed from hand to hand across the opponents goal. These are just a few of the features that distinguish association and American football.(student paragraph, Football and Soccer)A Sexist Interlude by Bill Bryson: Women vs. Men at the Checkout CounterAlthough the store had only just opened, the food hall was busy and there were long queues at the tills. I took a place in a line behind eight other shoppers. They were all women and they all did the same mystifying thing: They acted surprised when it came time to pay. This is something that has been puzzling me for years. Women will stand there watching their items being rung up, and then when the till lady says, Thats four pounds twenty, love, or whatever, they suddenly look as if theyve never done this sort of thing before. They go Oh! and start rooting in a flustered fashion in their handbag for their purse or checkbook, as if no one had told them that this might happen.Men, for all their many shortcomings, like washing large pieces of oily machinery in the kitchen sink or forgetting that a painted door stays wet for more than thirty seconds, are generally pretty good when it comes to paying. They spend their time in line doing a wallet inventory and sorting through their coins. When the till person announces the bill, they immediately hand over an approximately correct amount of money, keep their hands extended for the change however long it takes or however foolish they may begin to look if there is, say, a problem with the till roll, and then--mark this--pocket their change as they walk away instead of deciding that now is the time to search for the car keys and reorganize six months worth of receipts.(Bill Bryson, Notes From a Small Island. William Morrow, 1995 Pronunciation: kom-PAR-eh-son Also Known As: comparison and contrast
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Jane Eyre Tone and Diction - 968 Words
Jane Eyre The novel Jane Eyre is a story about a stoic woman who fights her entire life through many trials and tribulations until she finds true love and achieves an almost nirvana-like state of being. The manner, in which Charlotte Bronte writes, her tone and diction especially, lends its self to the many purposes of the novel. The diction of Bronte usually had characteristics of gothic culture and showed the usually negative and angry inner thoughts of Jane. The tone of the novel was there sympathetic towards Jane and displayed her as an intelligent and kind person who has been given a terrible lot in life. This allows the audience to feel connected with Jane because most people have gone through times in their life where they have†¦show more content†¦Each teacher was described in a very unpleasant and sordid manner. The foreign teacher and Miss Miller were described in the worst way. Harsh and grotesque are words that have definite downbeat connotations. The word grotes que especially has a very nasty image associated with it. Miss Miller is given a sympathetic but still negative description. The words used, purple, weather-beaten and overworked all remind the audience of a mother or matriarchal figure who was once beautiful but is now rough and unsightly. The word choice of each teacher shows how Jane feels toward the school in general. The external problems that plague Jane give the audience even more connections. Everyone has had teachers who are visually and mentally unattractive which allows for the readers to have sympathy. The tone of this passage is very ugly and melancholy. The unattractiveness of the teachers just compounds the problems of Jane’s already terrible life. Since the reader is already aware of the emotional problems of her life, the mediocre school which she now attends only makes Jane more, â€Å"Plain Jane†. There is also a bit of a Sisyphean tone in this passage in context of the whole novel. It seemed that ev ery time Jane was close to success, she was faced with another ordeal and sent her back to block one. Most people have probably gone through periods in their life where no matter what they do; they always fall down the proverbialShow MoreRelated Comparing Jane Eyre and Yellow Wallpaper1650 Words  | 7 PagesSimilarities Between Jane Eyre and Yellow Wallpaper   There are notable similarities between Charlotte Perkins Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper and Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre. These similarities include the treatment of space, the use of a gothic tone with elements of realism, a sense of male superiority, and the mental instability of women. There is a similar treatment of space in the two works, with the larger, upstairs rooms at the summer lodging and at Thornfield Hall being associatedRead MoreJane Eyre Dialectical Journal1112 Words  | 5 PagesSummer Reading Assignment: Dialectical Journal Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontà « |NOTE TAKING (QUOTES) |Pg. 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